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Florida Overtime Laws During a Hurricane


With Hurricane Dorian sweeping its way through the Bahamas and making its way to the southeastern coast of the United States, communities are making preparations to limit the amount of damage inflicted on property. Employers in Florida may be impacted by the storm if their workers end up going into overtime due to state employment laws. Below, we discuss important labor laws that impact workers during a hurricane.

Nonexempt Employees

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employers must pay all nonexempt employees for any hours worked during a hurricane. However, employers are not required to pay their nonexempt employees if they can’t find work for them during a natural disaster. Salaried nonexempt employees are still entitled to their agreed-upon pay for the same number of hours for any week that work was performed.

Exempt Employees

If a workplace is forced to close for less than a full work week due to a hurricane or another type of natural disaster, the employer must pay the full salary of exempt employees. Employers can also require their exempt employees to use paid leave during a natural disaster.

Overtime Pay

In most cases, if you work more than 40 hours in a week due to a natural disaster, you are still allowed to collect overtime pay under Florida law.

Speak to an Employment Law Lawyer Today

Does your employer owe you money for the work you performed during a hurricane? If so, you should consult with one of our experienced employment law attorneys at USA Employment Lawyers. We can assess the details of your case and explain all of your options under the law. We are committed to serving workers throughout Florida, and we are prepared to use our extensive resources to fight for you.

Give us a call at (800) 483-0998 to request your free case evaluation with a member of our law firm.

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If you are facing an employment-related dispute, contact our employment law attorneys by phone at (800) 483-0998 or online and request a confidential case evaluation.